Thursday, 27 February 2014


Interfaces are the tables which acts as a medium to transfer data from one module to another.or transfer data from legacy system to oracle applications. There are 352 tables provided by the oracle package. Each module having its own interface tables.

It is the process of converting the records from one format to another. The main components are:

1.Transfer Program: Transfer programs are generally developed using JAVA, PLSQL or SQL LOADER. When source modules are implemented in Oracle applications, then Transfer program comes by default with the package. Otherwise, we have to developer it.

Logic of interface programs:
It maps the columns of the source table with the columns of the interface tables.
It performs row level and column level validations.
It transfer data from the source to the interface tables.

2.Interface tables: These tables are used to store data coming form the staging table before moving to Oracle base tables.

3.Import program:  These programs are designed using PLSQL, Java, C, C++, etc. They are generally registered with destination modules.For all the interface tables, Oracle application package is going to provide Import programs..

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