Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Tips to become a Oracle Technical consultant

1. Learn SQL : Write some complex SQL queries and try to analyse how data is processed in back end. Complex SQL queries involves, SQL important function such as DECODE, TRUNC, DATE, etc. along with different joins concepts. SQL is the base language for database.

Also try to focus on BIND variables and PARAMETER in SQL queries. They are the vital in Oracle apps.

2. Learn PLSQLOnce you are adapted with the SQL part, the PLSQL part becomes quite understandable. PLSQL are a sort of procedure to SQL program.

Triggers, Packages, Procedure: Interface & APIs.  are the components needs to be focused on to be an Oracle Technical consultant.

3. Know the basic Oracle apps modules : "Application Developer" is the sole module that is frequently used a technical professional. It is the module where the components such as Oracle reports, PLSQL programs are registered. Along with this module, try to be a bit familiar with AP, AR, GL, INV, PO, OM and more importantly O2C and P2P cycles.

4. Workout with Oracle Reports and Forms : Expertise in SQL and PLSQL makes Reports and forms quite understandable and easy. To create oracle Reports and forms, we just need to follow standard procedure making use of SQL and PLSQL.

4. Focus on RICE components : Viz., R-Reports (Oracle Reports), I- Interfaces (Programs in PLSQL), C- Conversions (Programs in PLSQL), E- Extensions (Oracle Forms).

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