Monday, 30 June 2014

TOKEN in oracle apps

  1. Token acts as an intermediate between oracle report user parameter and concurrent program parameters. It is an interface between concurrent program and report builder. It is used to map the parameters which we have created in the report.
  2. It is used for mapping the report builder parameter to concurrent program parameters with same variables.
  3. Tokens are case sensitive. So, it should be in the same case as given in the report builder.

How to delete a registered concurrent program

The concurrent program can be deleted from the back-end.
From front end we cannot delete the program, we can only enable or disable the program.

FND_PROGRAM.delete_executable(executable_short_name=>xxexe, application =>XX_Custom);

FND_PROGRAM.delete_program(program_short_name=>XXCONC, application =>XX_custom);

Friday, 27 June 2014

Functional or Technical apps consultant

Its a very common confusion for those who want to switch their career to oracle apps consultant.
There is always a contradiction at the back of the mind whether to be a functional apps consultant of a technical apps consultant.  Its really becomes important to decide the answer to the above question. What's important is finding the right answer can be a huge turnaround in your life from career point of view.   It can possibly can the course of your life.

You must be a functional apps consultant if,

  1.  You are from accounting background (not necessary, though). Being from a accounting  background,  will make the functional accounting concept much easier to learn and understand  quickly.
  2.  You must have a super user experience in the oracle apps module(s). Super user experience is  advantageous as you can access all the functional components in an apps without any restrictions.   
  3. You are technically weak in programming concepts and coding.
  4. You like to spend most of your time in meeting and writing documents.
  5. You understand the concept and functionality of overall ERP apps modules very well and also the dependencies between the various modules.

You must be a technical apps consultant if,

  1. You are technically strong in programming skills and passionate about coding.and preferable from technical background and qualifications.
  2. You don't bother the relationships between the apps modules, for instance say between GL and OM module.
  3. You are ready to accept new challenges every time and .you like to get a feeling of having achieved something each day.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Make parameters in oracle reports as mandatory

To make parameters in oracle report as mandatory:

Navigate to 'Application developer' in concurrent Program -> parameters window -> "Required field" just check that.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Get contents of DBC file without access to server

1. If we need to develop OA framework, then we need to have the DBC file of the environment in which we want to work on.
For 11i instance, the file is located in $FND_TOP/Secure
For R12 instance, the file is located in $FND_SECURE.

But if we don't have the access to the server, then we have a convenient way to get the DBC file.
Go the homepage url of the web browser, append "/OA_HTML/jsp/fnd/aoljtest.jsp" to it.

2. 'AOL/J Diagnostic Tests' form will open. Enter all the details and click 'Test'.

3. If all the entered details are OK, a overview page will open with details. Click on the link ' Enter AOL/J Setup Test'.

4. From this point find the menu entry 'Locate DBC file' and click it.

5. On the right side we will get the content of the DBC file. We need to copy paste it in <SID>.dbc file and
place the file in Jdeveloper 'JDEV_USER_HOME/dbc_files/secure.

Friday, 13 June 2014

Following are the common error message during oracle xml report.

1. XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource.
2. The file should be in XML-DATA-TEMPLATE format.
3. ora-00911 invalid character in oracle xml.
4.The following tags were not closed.

Points to resolve the above issue:

1. write the first line as "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>". Write it in the same format without changing the case of any words.

2. write 'dataTemplate' as 'dataTemplate'. It may give error during generating output xml file if we write like, Datatemplate or DATATEMPLATE or datatemplate.

3.Close the tags properly. Take care of  /> closing tags.

4.<sqlStatement name> and <group source> must have same value.

5.The parameter name must be exactly like token name or bind variable name. (including the case of the variables).

6.The <element value > must be same to the column name.

7.Check the dataType of the parameter.

Following image will provide the proper format for data template xml file:

Thursday, 12 June 2014

What is XDODTEXE used in the Executable section of Concurrent Program ?

XDODTEXE is java concurrent program used as a BI Publisher Data template Executable. The main purpose of this executable is to identify data template file (.xml) and execute the data template to generate the raw (output) xml data, which is later used by BI Publisher formatting engine to format as per the layout (RTF, PDF, etc).

This executable will be used by all the BI Publisher reports ( Concurrent Program) which are using Data Template to generate the xml data.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Value sets in Oracle Apps

1. Value sets represents set of values. Through value sets, oracle apps validates that correct data is being entered in the fields in screen.  Value sets are mainly used when specifying the list of data which can be entered as parameters when running a concurrent program.

2.Value sets are attached to segments in flex fields. Though value sets are attached to the parameter of concurrent program, but in reality oracle treats parameter as descriptive flex fields.

3. Types of value sets:;
  • Independent: The value entered is validated against a predefined set of values. 
  • Dependent: The value is validated against a set of values which depends on an independent value sets.
  • Table: The value entered is validated against a list of values which are dependent of tables.
  • None: The values are only validated against the format type specified. For example, DATE is validated only when it is entered as MM/DD/YYYY, DD/MM/YY, etc. whatever format is specified.  The values are not specified any predefined set of values.
  • Special and pair: The value is validated against a set of values in another flex field.
4. The base table where name of the value sets is stored, then it is :

    The name of the table where values stored:

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

AR Tables: A diagrammatic Relation

  The above diagram shows the list of couple of important tables in AR and their joins.
       However this is not a complete list of AR Tables and their joins.

Monday, 2 June 2014

How to execute PLSQL procedures, packages or any other related code for oracle apps

1. Form the query in Toad.

2. Compile the query by either pressing 'F9' or 'right click =>execute =>complie all'.

3.Once compile successfully, Navigate and log in to oracle Apps responsibility,
   Application developer => Executable.

4. Create the executable program and select 'executable name' as package or procedure name (as per requirement).

5. Copy the short name and navigate to concurrent => Program.

6. Paste the short name as executable name.

7. Give/forward the program name to the DBA, who will attach the program to the request group to a particular responsibility.

8.Once attached, we can run the request from SRS window on the attached responsibility.